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An easier way to find home.

We help you make it easier for people to find their new dream home. Imagining what the new life will be like – the morning walk to the bus or subway, the pick-up at preschool on the way home from work, the late spring evenings on the balcony with blankets and lighted candles as the sun slowly sets behind the houses. All this is now available in one and the same tool – Neo4 Web.

Try navigating with our new
tool – Neo4 Web.

Weaves in location, communications and future plans for the existing environments fine area.

Shows unique views from each home and how the sun shines into the living room/kitchen/bedroom.

Contains housing selectors, making it easy to compare housing to find the home of your dreams!

Customers and brokers about Neo4

"Neo4 removes much of the uncertainty for stakeholders in a new build project, the ability to see the specific apartment with its associated view is a fantastic way to reassure stakeholders in the process and bring in more sales"- Adam Andreasson founder New Kvadrat

"Neo4 is in many cases the decisive moment for customers to decide to buy"- Pontus Jacobsson broker Erik Olsson


"Just right for the time when the customer is expected to find information around the clock. Easy for customers to gain a greater understanding of the project design and how the home is actually located, wherever they are in the world"- Stefan Stråhle founder Nytt Hem

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